Mother's Day Dinner

You all know about Mother's Day, don't you? Mother's Day is a holiday celebrated on the second Sunday in May. It was instituted in the United States in 1907 and recognized by Congress in 1914.
Let's make Mom feel very special on Mother's Day by cooking dinner for her. If you can get other family members to help out with the cooking, everyone will feel good that they contributed to Mom's special meal!
Pep's Tip Of The Day:
Washing the pots, pans and dishes after a meal is something
that always needs to be done. You can leave that job until
the end of the food-making, but it's best to clean them as
you go along. A very helpful hint that will make the
cleaning process easier is to soak all the utensils in
soapy, warm water—except for knives which can cut you if
you can't see 'em (don't soak knives!). Even if you leave
the washing for last, the food will come off a lot
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