Party Veggies

Difficulty Level: Medium
Most raw vegetables are delicious with dip. Here are some suggestions for your party:
6 carrots
3 zucchini
4 celery stalks
1 medium stalk of broccoli
1 small head of cauliflower
1 bunch of radishes
1 box of cherry tomatoes
Wash vegetables with a vegetable brush and dry them.
- Carrots: Slice off the top and bottom with a small knife and discard. Holding one end of the carrot in one hand and the vegetable peeler in the other, slide the peeler down the length of the carrot away from you. Rotate the carrot and peel another section. Continue doing this until the skin is all peeled. Carrots are my favorite because they give me vitamins for good eyes and besides, I like the color! Now, cut the carrot in half, and then cut each half lengthwise into strips (like french fries).
- Zucchini: Zucchini does not need to be peeled. Just cut off the ends. Zucchini may be cut into 1/2" round slices or lengthwise like carrots.
- Broccoli and cauliflower: Cut the flower along with about 2" of the stem of each flower. The stem is for you to hold when you dip it!
- Celery: Slice off the top and bottom. With the rounded side up, cut into thirds, then lengthwise like carrots.
- Radishes: Cut off the top where the stem is and the tip where the root is. Leave them whole or cut them in halves or fourths.
- Cherry tomatoes: These may have their stems taken off, or served with the stem on (that way the stem becomes a handle when you go to eat them.)
Arrange the washed and cut vegetables in groups on a large platter. For instance, all the carrots are with their carrot buddies and all the celery with their own buddies and so on. Crunch, munch and party on! Ooh, yea, you can use the minty-cucumber dip on these guys!
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