"The Cutting Edge"—The Word for Today is

Please, please, puleeze:
Make sure that mom or dad shows you how to use a knife, and
let them cut and chop until you have become quite
comfortable working with a knife. Let mom or dad help you
find a knife that is just your size. It shouldn't be too
big or too small and it should feel comfortable and
balanced in your hand. Once you have found a good knife it
will become your favorite personal tool!
Okay, here is what you need to
The knife is an important utensil. It is used for cutting,
chopping and slicing all the ingredients necessary for a

Knives come in many different sizes. But if you are just starting out, you should work with one of two small knives: the paring knife or the serrated knife. The paring knife has a short, straight edge for a cutting blade while the serrated knife has a wavy cutting blade. I prefer you use the serrated one because it doesn't slip off as easily, but straight-edged knives are better for chopping.
There are two important things you will need to do while using your knife.
- 1) Always cut away from your body with the sharp edge facing away from you.
- 2) If you are chopping food, go very slowly and hold the food with your fingers curled under.
Oh, I almost forgot, always use a cutting board. Sharp knives can cut into a kitchen counter or table. Their slick surface can even make the knife slip while you are cutting. A wooden or plastic cutting board is the best way to go.
If you have never used a knife before, get mom or dad show you how it is done. I started with a plastic one and practiced on something soft like a banana or a tomato until I got the hang of it. And always remember to keep the blade away from you and away from other people. Are you ready? Then it's time for a party at the Peppered Leopard's house. Let's go!
Pep's Safety Tip:

When it's time
To use a knife.
Here is something
You should always do.
When you're going to
Chop, or slice, or dice,
Be sure to face
The blade away from you.
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The Peppered Leopard is Copyright © 1995-2006 Jim Keeshen Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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