Honest Pretzels
And 64 Other Amazing
Recipes for Cooks Ages 8 & Up
By Mollie Katzen
Mollie Katzen has done it again. She's created clever
recipes that kids and their parents will love to make and
eat together. Her first cookbook for little chefs,
Pretend Soup and Other Real Recipes, has
been a best-seller and kids' favorite since 1994. Her new
book for slightly older cooks shows every sign of being
another winner.
For kids who are ready to help with dinner for real!
The recipes in Honest Pretzels are designed so that kids can run the show-with adult help. The two-part directions-ingredients, equipment, and safety tips, followed by the step-by-step illustrated recipes-will help kids learn skills such as sequencing, reading, math, and logic as well as encourage self-confidence as they help prepare family meals. And Mollie's bright illustrations capture the fun of the art of cooking. Recipes such as Spaghetti Pie, Carnival Baked Potatoes, and Hip Bean Dip will have everyone clamoring for a bite!
- Real Techniques
- 100% Vegetarian
- 100% Kid-Tested
Mollie Katzen, cookbook author and artist, was named, along with ]ulia Child, Alice Waters, Deborah Madison, and Martha Stewart as one of "The Women Who Changed the Way We Eat" (June 1999, Health Magazine). Her cookbooks include Moosewood Cookbook, The Enchanted Broccoli Forest, Still Life with Menu, Mollie Katzen's Vegetable Heaven, and Pretend Soup.
Visit Mollie Katzen at her Web site at http://www.molliekatzen.com
Honest Pretzels
And 64 Other Amazing
Recipes for Cooks Ages 8 & Up
Written & illustrated by Mollie Katzen
Tricycle Press
Hardback, 192 pages, $19.95
Publication date: October 1999
ISBN: 1-883672-88-0
Information provided by the publisher.
Honest Pretzels
Back to the main Kids' Cookbooks page.
This page created November 1999

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