Knead It, Punch It, Bake It!:
The Ultimate Breadmaking Book
for Parents and Kids
By Judith and Evan Jones
Illustrated by Mitra Modarressi

Looking for a fun-filled and inexpensive way to spend an afternoon with the kids? Invite them into the kitchen to bake bread. Unlike grown-ups, children are not the least bit intimidated by breadmaking. In fact, with a little instruction they will plunge right in and lead the way! Knead It, Punch It, Bake It!: The Ultimate Breadmaking Book for Parents and Kids by Judith and Evan Jones has over 40 recipes that are easy to understand, illustrated with step-by-step line drawings.
Knead It, Punch It, Bake It! is filled with wonderful kid-tested recipes you'll enjoy trying together, such as Sticky Buns, Pita Bread, San Francisco Sourdough Bread, Baked Doughnuts, Focaccia, Pretzels, and even disappearing specialties like Bubble Bread and Popovers. The Basic White Bread recipe is perfect for bakers who have never worked with yeast before and serves as a step-by-step lesson in breadmaking.
It is no wonder that these recipes are presented with such perfection and diversity. After all, Judith Jones is a senior editor at Alfred A. Knopf, where her authors have included James Beard, Julia Child, Marcella Hazan and Jacques Pepin. With her late husband, Evan Jones, she wrote The Book of Bread and The L.L. Bean Book of New New England Cookery.
Judith Jones invited a few children to her Vermont kitchen to test the new recipes in Knead It, Punch It, Bake It! The youngest was her two-and-a-half-year-old grandnephew, who eagerly climbed up on a chair, covered his hands with flour, and started kneading some dough. "The children just plunged right in tossed the dough around, watched it mysteriously rise in the bowl, and had fun punching it down again and fashioning it into different shapes," recounts Jones warmly.
Knead It, Punch It, Bake It! welcomes busy families back into the kitchen to discover the joy of baking together. Your house will fill with wonderful smells, and the payoff comes when you and your children bite into your own delicious-tasting loaf.
Knead It, Punch It, Bake It!:
The Ultimate Breadmaking Book for Parents and
By Judith and Evan Jones
Illustrated by Mitra Modarressi
Houghton Mifflin Company
Hardback, $16.00
144 pages, Concealed Wire-o binding
ISBN: 0-395-89256-2
Information provided by the publisher.
Knead It, Punch It, Bake It!
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This page created November 1999

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