Food Fun for Kids
From the National Pork Producers Council. A Magical Pantry, Food Guide Pyramid, kids food games and delicious recipes await you.
Kids Cooking Club
One of the first kid's cooking sites now features cooking products.
Mollie Katzen
Best selling author of Moosewood Cookbook and other vegetarian cookbooks, Mollie Katzen creates tempting ways to put more fruits, vegetables and grains into everyone's diet. Take a peek at her award-winning kids cookbook, Pretend Soup and get ready for its sequel, Honest Pretzels. Mollie wrote the foreword to Cooking with Kids for Dummies, and says "Put yourself into Kate Heyhoe's experienced hands, and you'll become a superparent in the kitchen with your kids in no time flat. I love this book, and believe me, I'm going to use it!" Well, we love Mollie and we love her site! Parents and kids will too.
Nutrition for Kids
One of the best sites (and free newsletters) on kids and food, from Connie Evers, RD - she's one of the 5 poster families in Cooking with Kids for Dummies! Teachers, bring Connie's wisdom and tips into your classroom with her book and activity guide.
The American Egg Board
The Board brings you everything you want to know about eggs, from food saferty to recipes.
Willie Wonka Chocolate Factory
Snack Time
Nebraska Extension Publications
Snack Quiz, Nutritional Value of Snacks, Especially for Kids, Snacks for Kids
Checklist, Snack Choices for Young and Old, Table I. Snack Serving Size Guide
and Kids Cooking Together
Father's World
Heinz Infant and Toddler Nutrition Home Page
Favorite Recipes
Children with Diabetes: Here are recipes that are sure to please, and they're mostly sugar free!
Raising a Vegetarian Family - Vegetarian Resource Group

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About These Recipes
Breakfasts, Brown-Bags & Breads
Brown-Bag Barcelona Chicken
Buttermilk Basil Dressing
Chinese "Barbecued" Pork
Cool-as-a-Cucumber Dressing
(A No-Flame, No-Fire Recipe)
Poached Pears
Green Onion French Bread
Happy, Dappy, Flappy Jacks
Irma's Spiced Nuts-to-You
Mango-Cheese Quesadilla
Mexican Fiesta Taco
or Burrito Mix
Orange-Scented Couscous
Ten Items for Your
Kid's Cookware Kit
Kid-Friendlier Recipes
About Ingredients
Cooking with Fahrenheit
Eating wine and spirits
Cookie sheet & jelly roll pan
More Cooking Tips
General Cooking Tips
Food at Hand: Eating
Finger Foods
Alexandria's Top Ten Cooking
Tips for Other Kids
Ten Kids-in-the-Kitchen