Green Eggs and Ham Cookbook

by Georgeanne Brennan
Illustrated by Dr. Seuss
Ever wonder what green eggs and ham really taste like? They're yummy. And now everyone can whip up a batch for themselves using this fabulous cookbook. Filled with simple, scrumptious, wacky recipes for such foods as Cat in the Hat Pudding and Moose Juice and Schlopp, this unique cookbook will have the whole family hamming it up in the kitchen. Each recipe is accompanied by the original verse that inspired it, and the pages are laminated to protect against getting splatters of Sneetch Salad, Oobleck, and Solla Sollew Stew.
In the Green Eggs and Ham Cookbook, Georgeanne Brennan and Frankie Frankeny serve up a fanciful banquet of delicious dishes inspired by the words and pictures of Dr. Seuss. Written by Georgeanne Brennan with photographs by Frankie Frankeny, the spiral-bound book features 42 easy-to-follow recipes, from simple beverages to savory entrees. It is the perfect introduction to cooking for children and a delightful addition to the cookbook shelf.
While reading Dr. Seuss books to her four children, Georgeanne Brennan couldn't help but marvel at the frequent references to wild and wacky foods, from beautiful Schlopp with a Cherry on Top in Oh, the Thinks You Can Think! to Who-Roast-Beast in How the Grinch Stole Christmas! To create the Green Eggs and Ham Cookbook, Georgeanne and Frankie pored through the entire 44 book Seuss collection—a collection that has sold more than 130 million copies. From 26 different titles comes a batch of simple, scrumptious and nutritious recipes perfect for parents and children to cook together and for the entire family to enjoy at breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert and for snacks in between.
The combination throughout of whimsical recipes and food photography with excerpts from Seuss's text and illustration makes for a lively literary and culinary adventure. There are recipes as simple as Pink Yink Ink Drink, (From One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish) and as elaborate as the Katroo "Happy Birthday to You" Cake with two kinds of delicious icing. Every recipe has components for children to do—stirring pancake batter, cutting out cookies, rolling fish and croquettes in bread crumbs, and painting ham with apple jelly glaze. Many of the recipes, like Gertrude McFuzz-y Berries and Silly Sammy Slick's Sodas—require no chopping, cooking, or electric appliances, so children can do these with minimal supervision. Most of all, the message of the book is that cooking is fun, and everyone benefits from good food, well prepared, by people who care about each other.
The perfect gift for Seuss collectors and cooks of all ages, Green Eggs and Ham Cookbook captures the zany and imaginative spirit of the Seussian oeuvre. The entire family will be in the kitchen with this charming and delicious new book, and will discover together what Green Eggs and Ham really taste like.
About the Author
Georgeanne Brennan is an award-winning cookbook author and journalist. Her expertise in all things related to food and gastronomy ranges from farming and agriculture to history and food lore. Her cookbook, Aperitif: Recipes for Simple Pleasures in the French Style, won the Julia Child Cookbook Award in 1998. Ms. Brennan was educated at San Diego State University, the University of California and the University of Aix-Marseille in Provence, France, the village that would be the inspiration for her memoir-cookbook, The Food and the Flavors of Haute Provence, winner of the 1998 James Beard Cookbook Award. Ms. Brennan currently resides with her husband on a small farm in Northern California near Davis. They have four children.
Green Eggs and Ham Cookbook
by Georgeanne Brennan
Illustrated by Dr. Seuss
Random House Books for Young Readers
Hardcover; $16.95; Ages 8-10
ISBN: 0-679-88440-8
Information provided by the publisher.
Green Eggs and Ham Cookbook
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This page created November 2006

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