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Orange-Scented CouscousAnother family-friendly recipe fromCooking with Kids For Dummies, by Kate Heyhoe
Skill level: Moderate In this recipe, a hint of fresh citrus wakes up plain couscous, making it an elegantly fragrant side dish. Couscous (KOOS-koos) is actually a North African and Middle Eastern pasta that looks like a tiny grain. You can find instant couscous in the supermarket's rice or pasta aisles. Couscous is a busy person's dream food, because you can prepare it in minutes, it comforts and satisfies, and it can be used as a backdrop for more complex flavors, as suggested in the variations that follow this recipe. Kids old enough to grate the zest from an orange can be a big help with this recipe.
Preparation time: 5 minutes Ingredients and steps: 1. Cover the finest grating side of a box grater with plastic wrap, extending the wrap below it to catch the zest, as shown in the "Say yes to zest!" sidebar in Chapter 11. 2. Grate the zest from all sides of the orange, making sure to get only the colored surface and none of the bitter white part below the surface. 3. When the orange is completely grated, scrape the zest from the plastic into a small mound; you should end up with about 1 teaspoon or more zest. 4. In a medium saucepan, combine water, olive oil or butter, and salt. Bring to a boil. 5. While the water is coming to a boil, cut the orange in half and squeeze out 2 tablespoons of juice. Set juice aside and reserve the remaining orange for garnish or another use. 6. When the water comes to a boil, remove the pan from the heat and stir in the orange juice and couscous until completely mixed. 7. Cover the pot and let stand for 5 minutes. 8. Stir in the reserved zest, fluffing with a fork or chopstick until the couscous grains are separated. 9. Cover until ready to serve, and fluff again right before serving. 10. Chop the green onion and sprinkle on top before serving.
Vary It! Back to Mother's Day Candlelight Dinner. From Cooking with Kids For Dummies®, by Kate Heyhoe. Copyright 1999 IDG Books Worldwide, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted here by permission of IDG Books Worldwide, Inc. --- For Dummies is a registered trademark of IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.