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Tropical Berry AmbrosiaAnother family-friendly recipe fromCooking with Kids For Dummies, by Kate Heyhoe
Skill level: Easy According to Greek and Roman mythology, ambrosia - the food of the gods - was thought to give the gift of immortality. Here on earth, mere mortals create ambrosia from tangy oranges, sweet coconut, and other luscious fresh fruits. Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, this brightly colored fruit salad tastes truly divine. Any child old enough to peel and cut an orange can make this Tropical Berry Ambrosia as a dessert for the whole family. The salad keeps for several days in the refrigerator and can easily be made in larger quantities for entertaining at Easter, July 4th, and other holidays.
Preparation time: 15 minutes Do this first: 1. Rinse the berries in a colander (in the sink) just before using. Remove any green leaves. Pat berries dry on paper towels. 2. Peel 1 large orange by either cutting the skin off with a knife or by peeling it with your hands. Be sure to cut off any of the excess bitter white part (the pith) that lies below the skin. Ingredients and steps: 1. Slice the orange across into 1/4-inch wide slices, removing any seeds. (The slices should look like wheels with spokes.) Cut the lime in half. Cut the strawberries in quarters or bite size pieces. 2. Place half the orange slices in the bottom of the serving bowl. Add a layer of coconut, then half the strawberries, another layer of coconut, half the blueberries and another layer of coconut. Squeeze half the lime over the top. Repeat the layers with the remaining ingredients, finishing the top layer with another squeeze of lime. 3. Cover and refrigerate for at least one hour. About 30 minutes before serving, stir the salad to mix the ingredients. Serve chilled. Tip
Vary It! Tip Back to Mother's Day Candlelight Dinner. From Cooking with Kids For Dummies®, by Kate Heyhoe. Copyright 1999 IDG Books Worldwide, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted here by permission of IDG Books Worldwide, Inc. --- For Dummies is a registered trademark of IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.